Mufasa's Den

Friday, October 13, 2006

DJIA, NPR, GWB kadamba kootu

Okay so DOW broke the record 2 weeks back and ever since then even one point gain a day it will break another record. I'm so tired of these TV channels and radio shows crying hoarse everyday about this record breaking. C'mon folks it's not as if it went up by like 300 points and yes such days do happen although very rarely. So yeah let's just settle down to the fact that the DJIA is showing signs of life and is slowly climbing up. What worries me is that the much broader S&P or NASDAQ hasn't reached the same position as that of DJIA.

Talking of radio shows I really look forward to weekend radio shows on NPR. Right from Michael Feldman's "Whad'ya know" to Garrison Keillor's "Prairie home companion" it's an auditory treat. Check out Michael Feldman here and Garisson Keillor here. I'm pretty sure they are available live thru their internet radio as well. So even if you are in India make an attempt to hear them and you won't be disappointed.

While talking about public radio, Oregon Public Broadcasting or OPB, appears to make some half-hearted attempt at covering Oregon soldiers death in Iraq. It's as if it does not want to be seen ignoring it. Now I don't want to learn of each and every death but they do inform the listeners of every soldier hurt or dead and then follows the usual "He was loving and showed extreme leadership skills and was always there for his friends and sisters and brothers" crap. This is what pisses me off. I've been noticing it for the past year or so. Everyone gets the same cliched quote from his/her highschool teacher or friend. If they really want to do a good job they should stop doing this naamke vaaste coverage and do a good job or else just let them be one another statistic. I think the soldiers deserve more than what OPB thinks they deserve. Now this is from a person who is morally opposed to the war.

Since we have touched the Iraq war, it logically leads to the political drama taking place in this country. Who would have thought that the republicans of all would have a homosexual scandal amongst their midst thanks to Mark Foley. Foley's folly might as well land the control of congress and senate to the democrats which is good in a way. They will atleast be proactive and pass the comprehensive immigration reform that might help longtime permanent residency process sufferes like me and hundreds of thousands of others.

Being a person who likes conspiracy theories, I sometimes think the recent drop in gasoline (Petrol) prices and the rise in DJIA are somehow connected to the November elections. But being holed up in "Where the hell is a planetary body called Sun" city called Portland, Or, What do I know. Not much !!!!!


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