Mufasa's Den

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Reservation for Dalit Christians and Muslims

The national commission of Scheduled Castes in it's recent decision has declined to extend the benefits of reservation to those dalits who have converted to Christianity or Islam. Infact it's oxymoronic to call someone Dalit Christian or Dalit Muslim because those religions do not have such concepts. The rise of these religions in the subcontinent has been mainly based on universal brotherhood for Christianity and a similar concept called Al-Umma for Islam. Therefore a person who converts to Christianity sheds his earlier branding of Dalit. Well that's how the Dalits are brainwashed before they get converted. Christian agencies, with their foriegn donation, do such a wonderful job of brainwashing. But the reality is that once you are a dalit you are always a dalit in Indian society. It does not matter which religion you choose to practice. While the call of dalit christians and muslims is reasonable I still think it was a right decision by the commission. Rather than besieging the commission for such perks, the dalits who have converted and hence are no longer dalits, should try to work for their rights within their new setup. They should rather target those individuals and organizations who promised them heaven and earth after conversion and make them pay their dues.

If they still persist in wanting to have such a reservation then they should boldly declare that dalit is not confined to Hinduism alone. On the one hand the deride the religion for having instituted such an inhuman practice and at the same time they claim that their new religion also treats them at the same level. Such a declaration will throw the entire reservation in to question. No longer is reservation a bane of just one religion but is the bane of Indian society. Which questions the very notion as to whether Brahmins in Hinduism were the ones to have instituted this practice because there are no Brahmins in Christianity or Islam but the practice still continues. Which again will question the entire reservation on caste system because caste belongs to Hindu religion alone but there exists documented proof that part of non-casteist religions also suffer from discrimination. So if the dalits who converted to christianity or islam be considered for reservation then the entire reservation along caste line should be dismantled. Now who would want to do this.


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