Scoop of the day
The deans of Harvard Business school, Stanford and Wharton are locked in a grand battle to recruit Shri. H.D.Kumaraswamy, present chief minister of the Indian state of Karnataka, to head their new department called the Department of Brand Demolition. HDK's this single feat makes these deans and billions of others to fall at his feet. Mr.HDK opined that this single act would liberate the yoke of British imperialism that was hanging over his proud state and left for London to woo British Petroleum, British Telecom, British Rail and British Airways to open their backoffice in Bangalore ooops Bengalooru....
Now that Bangalore is no longer used by that city, I'm seriously thinking of auctioning that name on Ebay. The highest bidding city will earn the right from me to rename themselves as Bangalore.
Now that Bangalore is no longer used by that city, I'm seriously thinking of auctioning that name on Ebay. The highest bidding city will earn the right from me to rename themselves as Bangalore.
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