Mufasa's Den

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

AIIMS events

I guess Dr.Anbumani Ramadoss has been given a bloody nose by GoI which withdrew the removal notification against Dr. Venugopal. Looks like Anbumani is hell bent on proving that Jayalalitha's views on him are true.

While Dr.Anbumani can project this as only a temporary hurdle, it is still a nosecut for him as GoI has accepted that proper rules and procedures were not followed with regards to dismissing Dr.Venugopal. I would rather see Mr.Anbumani kicked out of the office for failing to follow his own ministry's procedures.

His allegation against Dr.Venugopal that he supported the strike against reservation on the basis of providing the striking students with shamiana and fans are ridiculous. As the head of AIIMS, Dr.Venugopal is responsible for the well being of the students. Just because the students have a view that differs from the management doesn't mean that the management can deprive them of their rights to express themselves. Nor can the management deny them use of AIIMS facilities.

If Anubumani's line of thinking is extended then one would have to protest against TN govt. outside Tamilnadu and if you want to protest Indian Govt. action then one has to go outside India. Geez what kind of jokers are these ministers.

Dr.Anubumani might do well to turn the pages of history back on the vanniyar porattam and how it wa


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