Maavadu alias Vadu Maangai aka tender mangoes
My wife bought the Priya tender mangoes from the stores yesterday. But what we saw inside cannot be termed as vadu maangai. They were really full mangais.
Creating tasty maavadu is a big process. My mom will buy vadu maangais by the padi (an ancient India way of measuring stuff). These are tender mangoes that fell due to wind (see we manage to use anything and everything). Then these maangais will be washed and immersed in brine with appropriate chilli powder in jaadis. Every day she will open the peengon jaadis and mix it religiously so the contents are exposed to the ingredients uniformly. This process will happen for atleast 2 or 3 weeks and only after that the maavadu will be released for consumption. But what a yummy taste.
Contrast that with this Priya maavadu. It's just so hot(too much chilli powder), the mangoes are big. But I guess being in USA, it's the next best thing available.
Happy maavaduing.....
Creating tasty maavadu is a big process. My mom will buy vadu maangais by the padi (an ancient India way of measuring stuff). These are tender mangoes that fell due to wind (see we manage to use anything and everything). Then these maangais will be washed and immersed in brine with appropriate chilli powder in jaadis. Every day she will open the peengon jaadis and mix it religiously so the contents are exposed to the ingredients uniformly. This process will happen for atleast 2 or 3 weeks and only after that the maavadu will be released for consumption. But what a yummy taste.
Contrast that with this Priya maavadu. It's just so hot(too much chilli powder), the mangoes are big. But I guess being in USA, it's the next best thing available.
Happy maavaduing.....
Mavadus :-(
tris, At
7:46 AM
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